Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Write Your Military Academy Essay Sample

How to Write Your Military Academy Essay SampleMilitary Academy Essay samples are a must-have for aspiring military officers. Although most applicants for the military are from this branch of the service, there are also some who enlist from other branches. Being selective is one thing, but not being selective in the realm of writing is quite another.The essay may be used as a part of an application to a military academy or an appropriate academic paper at an Ivy League school. Either way, whether your goal is to enlist or your aim is to become a commissioned officer, the essay sample is absolutely critical to your goal.There are several ways in which an essay can be used as a key component of your application to the military academy. You can submit a cover letter, a personal statement, and an academic record that will serve as your application. The most popular method is to use your military Academy essay samples as your academic paper.The basic structure for these essays is usually to start off by writing a chapter on yourself and then a chapter on your future goals. These chapters will consist of a brief description of yourself that will include such information as: How long have you been in the military? Your likes and dislikes, what you like and dislike about military life, what you like about civilian life, what your biggest assets are, what you do well, what you would change about yourself, and anything else you feel will help you write an essay.After this you will need to address any issues, setbacks, and future obstacles you may encounter while serving. Again, the key here is to tell your story from the inside out and do so in a manner that is non-blatant. With this in mind, if you do encounter any challenges or are faced with any hard times during your enlistment, you will want to mention this in your military Academy essay samples.One last thing to mention is that you will need to include a section on any recommendations that are made while your enlis tment is taking place, whether through the cadet handbook or any other written source. This includes any personal service awards or commendations you have earned. If you are faced with a real tough time at the military academy, be sure to include this in your military Academy essay samples.Finally, it is also important to include your personal data, such as addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and anything else that is appropriate. It is important to include a large number of them so that it does not look as if you are copying information from someone else. Just remember to do so when you write your military Academy essay samples so that it does not look as if you are stuffing in information that you do not know.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Young Blood, Rising Sun An Epidemic Of Youth Violence

Young Blood, Rising Sun: An Epidemic of Youth Violence in Japan Since the defeat of Japan in the Second World War, the Japanese national economy has seen tremendous economic growth, led by industrial mavens such as Mitsubishi, Honda, and Sony. This growth can only be contributed to the Japanese workforce: Well-disciplined, group-focused, and willing to sacrifice everything for success, all stereotypical of the Japanese society. However, with newer generations of Japanese growing up with more western-style values in mind, many are finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the rigid lifestyle that traditional Japanese society demands. This, coupled with the recent upsurge in crimes committed by Japan’s youth, has caused many older generations to question whether the blame for these cases can be attributed to Japanese standards or the younger generations themselves. However, it is becoming more and more obvious that ijime (bullying) developed from the stress of maintaining rigorous standards in the Japanese education system, breakdown of family intimacy, and media violence are part of the reason for this surge in youth violence in Japan, not the youth themselves. The Japanese education itself is partially to blame for this upsurge of youth violence. With its emphasis academic excellence and strict discipline both in and out of school, it is very difficult for youth in schools to develop in a positive atmosphere. Through this competitiveness, students learn that it isShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of the Deserter by Winifred M. Letts4013 Words   |  17 PagesOld Man and the Young Spring in War-Time Perhaps- Reported Missing E.A. Mackintosh Katherine Tynan Hinkson Ivor Gurney Wilfred Owen Wilfred Owen Ivor Gurney Siegfried Sassoon Winifred M. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Humans and the Four Main Ways of Knowing Language,...

As humans we normally depend on the four main ways of knowing; Language, emotion, sense perception and reason. Although, each way of knowing has its weakness. We usually use the ways of knowing together with one another. In some cases the area of knowledge may not use sense perception but most of the time we often believe that Math for example uses logic and reason. How true is this? Reason is considered to be one of the most powerful ways of knowing. One main strength of reason as a way of knowing is that it seems to provide us with validity. Individuals can interpret logic to be the study of the accurate way of reasoning. It includes disputes, deceptiveness, validity, invalidity and assumption. Logic makes it easier for us to comprehend exactly what our beliefs are and demonstrates how visibly we can exhibit them. Over the years logicians have come across two ways of reasoning; inductive and deductive. Inductive reasoning is the practice of scientific morals that is use to draw the most apparent or possible conclusion from proof. Inductive reasoning is the process of observing something for a long period of time then coming to a conclusion that it us as we observe it to be. But, due to the fact that it is based on our observation it can be considered biased meaning it doesnt really assure full certainty of knowing. For example inductive reasoning in the case of swans, a naturalist has been observing swans for a long period of time, he only sees the white swans therefore

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Midnights Children Essay Example For Students

Midnights Children Essay Salman Rushdies novel Midnights Children employs strategies which engage in an exploration of History, Nationalism and Hybridity. This essay will examine three passages from the novel which demonstrate these issues. Furthermore, it will explore why each passage is a good demonstration of these issues, how these issues apply to India in the novel, and how the novel critiques these concepts. The passage from pages 37-38 effectively demonstrates the concept of history, as it foregrounds elements important to this issue. Rushdie, challenges the conventional modes of history through his self reflective narrative structure. The passage is a good demonstration of its topic as it illustrates the problems of re-writing history. His mode of writing attempts to encourage the reader to reconsider the valid interpretation of his history. Saleem writes please believe that I am falling apart ,as he begins to crack like an old jug, illustrating a sense of fragmentation of his story. This parallels the narrative structure of the novel as being circular, discontinuous and digressive. This fragmentation appropriates the concept of history, which was developed by colonisers. History works for a particular class of ideology, and therefore it will be contaminated, oblique and subjective. The fictionality of history is grounded in the simple assumption that life is shaped like a story. For S aleem, who is buffeted by too much history, it is his memory which creates his own history. Memory, as well as fruit, is being saved from the corruption of the clocks. This reflects back to concepts of time and place. Yet, for Rushdie, it is not based on the universal empty time that has been conceptualised by the colonisers. Notions of time and space are integrated into his own history. The novel critiques concepts of history by challenging traditional conventions. Rushdie uses unreliable events to subvert official notions of history. For example, in his description of the Amrister Massacre he describes the troops that fire on the crowd as being white, when they were not. He does this perhaps to illustrate how much history is based on interpretation and ideology. It also illustrates how fact (written down as history), fails to take into account different notions of space and time. For example, in the passage on page 37, Saleem mentions the game of hit -the- spittoon, in which Nadir Khan learnt from the old men in Agra. For Saleem, this is history, and although it is just a story of his, it now has been documented and becomes history. This illustrates the problems faced by post-colonial writers in re-writing history. They become marginalised , as history was based on public events. Yet, Midnights Children draws on many historical events, which parallel that to Indias. Saleem Sinai provides us with an alternative version of Indias modern history from his point of view. For example, he was born on August 15 1947, on the stroke of midnight, at the precise instant of Indias Independence. The time of birth matters because it has made him mysteriously handcuffed to history. It is evident that the concept of history runs throughout the novel. Midnights Children offers an alternative history of India. The passage detailing Methwolds Estate on page 92 illustrates the issue of nationalism. It explores the historical, and national explanation of the founding of Bombay, a dream of British Bombay fortified, defending Indias west against all comers, which saw Methwolds vision a step closer to reality. This passage shows the transfer of national assets to the elites. It is a classic model of the transfer of a nation from colonisers which tries to manipulate a nation. .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 , .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 .postImageUrl , .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 , .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8:hover , .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8:visited , .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8:active { border:0!important; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8:active , .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8 .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udda6cac070ee3424403e462fb1a128b8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Business Ethics EssayThis passage foregrounds the question of creating a national identity out of the legacy of an empire. Yet it is quite ironic as this transfer doesnt really alter the dominant indigenous forms. Saleem describes an India that is changing them, adapting to celebrating the cocktail hour, and indulging in their gardens. It appears, that Rushdie is commenting on the authenticity of this desire to create a unified state. They have been robbed of their identities and made to change and live in an imagined unified community. The novel critiques concepts of nationalism by challenging the legacy of the empire. For example, on page 189, Saleem says but the boundaries of these states were not formed by rivers or mountainsLanguage divided us. It becomes apparent that the function of Indian nationalism was to unite a shared purpose of political future and cultural identity. Yet in both Saleem and Rushdies eyes, they were divided by language. Rushdie critiques and places emphasis on the heterogenia of the people and comments on the idea that the nation is a fabrication that tries to pull them together. Their identity seemed to be united instead by a wall of words. Rushdie also critiques the concept of Print Capitalism, where printed matter tries to unify a group of people through the language. Novels and Newspapers helped to standardise language, proffering a sense of an (imaginary) homogeneous community that was a nation. Rushdie challenges this in the format of Midnights Children, which is structured in three volume form of the classic nineteenth realist text, highlighting his awareness of his literary predecessors. Hybridity is an important cultural concept which operates through Midnights Children. Saleem is the ultimate hybrid, having many surrogate parents, his biological father is a departing colonist. The passage on page 211 clearly demonstrates Saleems hybrid identity. He relates hybridity to history by entailing the hetreogeneity of memory. Memorys truth because memory has its own special kind . For Saleem, his memory provides a search for the truth, rather than many truths. Saleem links his hybrid history to chutney which illustrates the sign of a mixed identity. Green chutney on chilli-pakoras , this imagery of chutney runs throughout the novel and assist Saleems story. He later, uses this image to sum up his hybridise culture, which parallels the chutnification of history and pickling of time. Rushdie comments on the colonised mimicking the coloniser. Two histories have emerged together, which is filled with contamination as mimicry becomes a problem as it disrupts the power. This reflects, what Rushdie calls like chutney, a mixture of history, and nationalism that become so dense and enmeshed that they transform to create a new culture. Rushdie effectively tackles issues of post-colonial studies of history, nationalism and hybridity, and Midnights Children illustrates and challenges these concepts.